Advertising Online Should not Jump Around!
What is Adjumps?
AdJumps is a game changing solution for online and mobile advertising that engages audiences. Unlike current methods that drive audiences away from their interests, AdJumps takes advantage of rich media communications to keep the ad experience on the initial site. This reduces the resistance to display advertising. AdJumps makes it possible to supplement advertising with bots, coupons, surveys and embedded analytics to optimize engagements.
A New Form of Ad Delivery
AdJumps is a new form of advertising delivery that complements the existing advertising marketplace. The model resembles Google’s AdSense, enabling third parties to display their AdWords solutions.Advertising Is Mobile
Mary Meeker, of Kleiner Perkins, predicted in 2019 that the ad spend on the Internet / Mobile will exceed TV spend within six months.
The Ad Block
Over 400 Million people have installed Ad blocking software. AdJumps act as part of the page not an ad space.
“I rarely touch an ad, so often when I click on an ad it takes me forever to get back to what I was doing”

“I really hate the ads that pretend to be articles that catch my eye and then keep scrolling and the original reason is lost”

“To me it’s pretty silly that many of these ads won’t tell me a price until the last screen. They are wasting both their time and mine.”